HubSpot vs Salesforce: Which CRM Offers Better Task Management?

January 27, 2022

As organizations grow, managing customer data becomes increasingly complicated, which is where Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software plays a big role. Two of the most popular CRMs are HubSpot and Salesforce. While both offer a range of features, in this post, we will focus on task management and compare which CRM offers better task management.

Task Management on HubSpot

HubSpot has an intuitive task management system that is integrated into its various tools to provide a seamless user experience. The CRM offers unlimited tasks across all pricing plans, including free plans, which is perfect for small businesses with a few team members.

Once a task is added, a user can choose to complete it, mark it as outstanding, or delete it. Each task can be assigned a due date, priority level, and added to a particular deal or contact, which helps to keep track of everything in one place. HubSpot also supports making tasks recurring and allows users to create task templates, saving them valuable time.

Task Management on Salesforce

Salesforce, on the other hand, provides an exceptional task management system with customizable fields, priority levels, deadlines, and alerts. Salesforce allows a user to create tasks for any lead, account, opportunity, or contact, and send automatic notifications to the assignee.

Tasks can be converted to direct leads or opportunities, and all these tasks can be tracked from one customizable dashboard. These customizable boards allow users to manage each task using drag and drop functionality. A user can also set reminders to make follow-up calls or to check in with clients.

HubSpot vs. Salesforce: Which One Offers Better Task Management?

Both HubSpot and Salesforce are robust CRMs with task management features to help streamline processes, save time, and avoid missed tasks or deadlines. However, when selecting which CRM is best, here’s the breakdown:

  • If you are a small business with a few team members or a startup looking for a free CRM, then HubSpot is the winner. The CRM offers excellent task management features on all pricing plans, including the free plan.
  • If you run a large enterprise or have complex sales processes that require advanced customization, then Salesforce is your best bet. The CRM offers extensive task customization and tracking features that cater to the needs of large organizations.

In conclusion, both HubSpot and Salesforce are excellent CRMs with excellent task management features that help businesses manage their customer data. When making your final choice, it’s important to first understand your company's specific needs, budget, and growth aspirations.


  1. HubSpot - Task Management
  2. Salesforce - Task Management

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